Sailor, Statesman, Scholar, Communicator

In the Hutong
Flying between concalls
1042 hrs.

Take a look at this release about the highest-ranking social networker in the U.S. Armed Forces who actually gets it. (Why is he not at SXSW?) The last paragraph was the hook for me. Strategic connections is where strategic communications really moves into the 21st century. Brilliant.

Insights are stock in trade for Admiral James Stavridis. For the past two decades, Stavridis has been one of the Navy’s most outspoken, erudite, risk-taking, and forward-thinking officers, an expert rifle shot with an MALD and a PhD from Fletcher. Keep an eye on him – he’s wrapping up his naval career with his second major command posting in a row (the first naval officer to serve as Supreme Allied Commander, Europe), but Jim Stavridis is going places.

For fans of the literature on leadership, check out Stavridis’ slim but excellent memoir, Destroyer Captain: Lessons of a First Command.

About David Wolf

An adviser to corporations and organizations on strategy, communications, and public affairs, David Wolf has been working and living in Beijing since 1995, and now divides his time between China and California. He also serves as a policy and industry analyst focused on innovative and creative industries, a futurist, and an amateur historian.
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